Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week Two Digital Portfolios

This workshop is to tell us all about ePortfolios, and using MS Publisher as the software tool for developing an ePortfolio. I'm already thinking I might use a different program for my ePortfolio as I do not have MS Publisher at home. Maybe MS Powerpoint? Adobe InDesign? Hmmm.

My ePortfolio will be able to be used for getting jobs when I am a qualified teacher. The aim is to continue to use my ePortfolio over time as a 'live' document. It will be evidence of my developing skills and philosophy of education (including my reflections and discussion entries), my various awards, achievements, and qualifications, my referees and teaching references (get one from teaching practicums... fieldwork... ) and my career experience (eg resume) as relevant for teaching.

Remember not to just fill it up with "stuff" but make it pertinent as to how I want to be perceived as a teacher, and to help schools want to employ me! That is - what I think is important. Select, make judgments! There will be things that are relevant from past industry and univeristy experience but there is no need to include everything.

Think - what will I have as my eportfolio menu?

Hints for applying for jobs:
  • in online application, stick to the selection criteria! (just like the public service...)
  • if shortlisted - thank them for shortlisting - exciting to be in last few candidates (think teamwork! enthusiasm!)
  • be early
  • write down pertinent points you want to talk about in interview so you don't forget (Piaget ... Vygotsky ...)
  • always have a question ready for when they ask if you have one eg if they have missed something about you that you think is valuable, or some further information about your school, or about the mentor system (which is a requirement for VIT), or what year level might be teaching if advertised P-6
  • tell schools where you have been shortlisted if you have taken another school
  • leave behind copy of ePortfolio eg on DVD if they have not asked to see it

Also in today's workshop we were introduced to MS Publisher and had to use a brochure template to describe a holiday we would like to take - screen shot below:

I found MS Publisher easier to use than I thought it would be (the last time I used it was a long long time ago). Problem is, I don't have it at home and don't want to pay for it. Adobe InDesign (which I do have) is much more "techie" for graphic designers although it too has templates to use that would be easier than starting from scratch.

My homework this week will be investigating whether to use Powerpoint or InDesign for my ePortfolio, then getting it started.

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