Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week Four Dust Echoes story retell and M&Ms maths activity


Explore: click on 'Enter Here' button. Note: be sensitive about the Dreamtime stories ie check content beforehand. Children can select a story and interpret it. The study guides interpret the story and are useful for teachers to use beforehand. The study guides also suggest classroom activities. Note - be creative when it suggests use of worksheets - are always other more hands-on alternatives using the same ideas.

Today, we are to choose one of the stories from Dust Echoes and do a retell in Inspiration (capture an image while movie is playing). Use the study guide to assist in telling the story.

In the classroom, different children could work on different aspects of a task like this - for example, some could collect the photos whilst some could construct the text. There are many link-in activities eg make own animation, construct spears, links to Art, History, Civics etc. Add value!! get people from the community into the community!

Here is my example of a retell of The Moon Man using Inspiration. I think the ABC website Dust Echoes is quite sophistocated and packed with resources and that children would be very engaged with the stories it contains. I'd love to use this in the classroom even with younger grades.


The next activity we did was the M&Ms candy colour chart. The templates will be available on LMS. We have to be careful in the classroom as we may not be able to use sweets (peanut allergies etc - as a parent I don't let my children have artificial colours). We will need to check the school's food policy. Alternative could be to use envelopes of different coloured stars. Some kids could do it on the whiteboard, some on the computers, some on the floor sticking pieces of paper with glue onto a large sheet of card ... don't open packages right away but have a discussion about the packet and what info is on it, get them to predict. Oopen package and get them to sort the sweets/object. Can place objects on the chart or colour in circles etc. See the M&M website...

In MS Excel can create pie chart, bar graph etc. Useful for kids to play around with when introducing the concepts.

Keep it simple for them at first. Go to M&M's Australian website, can screenshot for characters to decorate graph ... do percentages of colours of own pack, class totals, chance and data activities ... check out nutritional information ... discsuss advertising ... history of company ...Children can also do surveys using Survey Monkey. They can create books for display.

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