Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week Five Animation in Primary Schools

In today's lecture we viewed a number of computer animations.  These involved variously clay, toys, paper and lego animation.  Greg stressed the importance of integratingthe work across learning domains particularly as ICT is an interdisciplinary strand.  He also noted that it is important to celebrate children's successes but then to move on and make the work better.  I could see how useful this sort of work would be in populating the student part of the Ultranet, and for parents to view from home.

Firstly in the workshop we looked at the moviemaking site DFILM at   I made a quick movie (complete with typo!):

This is going to be a great tool to use in the classroom.  It's really easy to use so it will be good for all year levels.  It's quite fun to do and will get the children really engaged for example when they are developing their e-portfolios.

Next we travelled to Build Your Wild Self at

And then Zimmer Twins!  The children can join up and make movies which then stay on the website for others to view.   This can be introduced at any level in the school. n It looks as though it would be a great tool for introducing children to the idea of animation, storyboarding, sequencing etc.

Next up was Sketch Swap at  It's important to be aware of appropriate content for children with this site.  I submitted a drawing and got back a bunch of text saying "bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored" and so on!

Reasonbly Clever - 

RollerMache at abckids - a toolbox to help create anything you would like to!

Here's a great website:  Below is an example of what can be done using Rebus:

There are all sorts of classroom applications to be found at, particularly for literacy, numeracy, and science, for example.  Ziptales is $200 to subscribe to for a whole year.  Here is an example of what is on offer:

It is great for children who are great readers at Year 3/4.  For example they can do online storytelling, then complete a quiz to check their comprehension.  Here's another screen grab, about fairy tales:

For science, the ABC's science site is really useful with heaps of information for research, and games for kids to play and learn such as the Catchment Detox game:

It will be really worthwhile getting together a resource with all of these sites and more, and updating it as I find new sites.   As a teacher I would like to integrate use of such sites into everyday teaching.  Most school now have interactive whiteboards, and at least 3 or 4 computers in each classroom.  There are many and varied uses and skills that can be developed.  Even basic use of MS Word with the monitor turned off - dictation - to illustrate homonyms!

All in all a productive workshop....

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